Diploma Theses Exams, July 2019
The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on July 12th 2019 at Railways Amphitheatre.
The students which defended their theses are as follows:
Α. Loizos).
Kakari Stefania, Investigation of fave evasion in buses in Attica, (Supervisor: K. Kepaptsoglou).
Kotsialos Vasileios, Investigation of the synergy of seaplane travel and cruise services in Greece, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Koumoutsidi Annitsa, The impact of low cost airlines on airport efficiency, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Lala Panagiota, Using contemporary 3D and modelling software in road projects, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Nouskali Foteini Nefeli, Survival analysis of cruising for parking space in urban road networks, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Petroulakis Zacharias, Optimization of maritime services in the south aegean region, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Ropaka Maria – Ilia, Investigation of traffic and safety behaviour of pedestrians texting or web – surfing, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Tsattalios Konstantinos, Suggesting new taxi services and investigating the factors affecting their acceptance by the passengers, (Supervisor: K. Kepaptsoglou).
Charalambidi Maria, Impact of economic, social and transport indicators on serious road injuries in the European Union, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Exams program