Andoniki Dimitriadou
Phd Candidate
Railways and Transport Laboratory
off: room 89, 1st floor, Materials Building, NTUA Campus
tel: (+30) 210.772.1723
Androniki Dimitriadou is a Ph.D. Candidate and Research Associate in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Since the end of 2022, she holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA, specializing in Transportation Engineering. During her Diploma Thesis, she investigated the necessity of the right-turn free-flow bypass lanes at single-lane roundabouts.
After obtaining her Civil Engineering Diploma, she worked in the road construction sector in a transportation consulting company in Athens as a Transportation Civil Engineer. Subsequently, she was briefly involved in the construction sector through a construction company in Athens.
Since April 2024, she has been preparing her Doctoral Thesis entitled “Resilient Planning of Urban Electric Bus Transit Systems” under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis.