”Dimitrios Tsamboulas” award in Transportation 2016-2017, November 2016
The Hellenic Chambers Transport Association introduces the Annual award ”Dimitrios Tsamboulas”, to honour the late Dimitrios Tsamboulas, Professor of NTUA, for his contribution to the Greek transportation system.
The award will be given to the best project to be carried out by students or young graduates of Greek Universities in the Transport Sector.
For the academic year 2016-2017, the subject of the competition is “Investigation of prospects for the exploitation of the currently inactive Regional Market in Lechaio Korinthia and its conversion to Intermodal Freight Terminal”. The deadline for the submission of applications and Preliminary drafts is November 30th, 2016.
The award is accompanied by a prize of 3,000 €, which for the current academic year, is sponsored by the Chamber of Corinthia.
Call for Applications