Diploma Theses Exams, March 2018
The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on March 19th and March 23rd 2018.
The students which defended their theses are as follows:
Α. Ballis).
Apostolopoulos Vasilios, Investigation of Issues relating to Fleet Management & Vehicle Routing, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Zervas Petros, Ιnvestigation of complementarity issues of the European high speed railway with air passenger transport, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Karali Nicki, A multicriteria Approach for Evaluating the Performance of Startup Companies in the sector of Smart Cities, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Laios Ilias, Development of an Optimization Model of Resource Allocation for the Management of Urban Transport Buses, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Lionoudakis Pavlos, Visualization technologies in planning a road project, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos – F. Mertzanis).
Mavrogiannis Ioannis, Quantification of eco-driving using crowdsourcing data, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Boras George, Supervised and unsupervised learning models for automatically indentifying driving events, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Papalymperis Panagiotis, Analysis of the impact of autonomous vehicles to travel behaviour, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Papachristopoulou Lefketi, Modeling of Distracted Driving Behavior at the Emergence of Unexpected Events, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Prasinou Charikleia, Geometric design of Highway exit – entrance ramps, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos – F. Mertzanis).
Prevenios Michalis, Investigation of operational cost aspects concerning heavy trucks passing through the side road network, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Feggouli Christina, Investigation of the influence of the moisture content on the resilient modulus of subgrade soils beneath pavement structures, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Fotis Athanasios, Ιnvestigation of natural gas energy security issues in Europe, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).