Diploma Theses Exams, March 2020
The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with grate success on March 11th and 12th 2020 at Railways Amphitheatre.
Ε. Vlahogianni).
Kainourgiou Kalliopi, Evaluation of dynamic analysis parameters for flexible pavements design, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Kontogianni Aggeliki, Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of asphalt mixes with field and laboratory data, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Kontogianni Panagiota, Analysis of the effect of pavement surface characteristics on rolling resistance and fuel consumption, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Mologianni Konstantina, Investigation of the behavior of Reclaimed asphalt Pavement material (RAP) to be used as a granular material for the construction of pavement base-subbase, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Boulougari Athanasia, Driver choices towards ridesharing, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Panagiotopoulos Efstathios, Estimation model for the building cost of logistics warehouses, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Paschalidis Stergios – Zikos, Development of continuum aproximation models about modeling operation of seaplanes, (Supervisor: K. Kepaptsoglou).
George Priftis, Investigation of Flying Autonomous Vehicles traveller acceptance in Greece, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Sekadakis Marios, Driving behaviour during texting and surfing in rural roads using a driving simulator, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Skliami Aikaterini, Comparative Analysis of Traffic Accident factors per Driver Nationality in the European Union, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Frantzola Eleni – Konstantina, Spatio-temporal analysis of traffic safety using data from smartphone sensors, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).