Diploma Theses Exams, October 2019
The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on Wednesday, October 23rd 2019 and on Tuesday, October 29th 2019 at Railways Amphitheatre and on Friday, November 1st 2019 at teaching room 109.
The students which defended their theses are as follows:
K. Kepaptsoglou).
Gravani Polyxeni, Analyzing the Influence of Emotions on Transportation in Urban Networks, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Eleftheros Alexandros, Airport Visibility, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Thanasko Areti, Long-term association of road accidents and weather conditionsin european cities, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Theodorakos Epameinondas, Modelling Automated Vehicles’ Socio-economic Impact, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Kyriazopoulos Vasilis, Reinforcement learning algorithms for improving driving behavior, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Xirogianni Eleni, Investigating the determinants aftecting fair passengers behaviour at airport terminal, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Oikonomidis Evangelos, Comparative evaluation of North Greece ports, in terms of capabilities for combined transportation of cargo to Bulgaria, (Supervisor: Α. Ballis).
Oikonomou Maria, The traffic and safety effect of smartphone texting and web serfing during driving in cities using a driving simulator, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Salem Nektaria, Investigation of Messinia drivers attitudes towards road safety, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Siliogka Vagia, Methodology development for assessing efficiency in terms of safe and eco-driving, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Strongylis Loukas, Methodology of Evaluating the Hazard Level of Two-Lane Rural Roads Regarding the Roadside Area, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Torolopoulos Alexandros, Private vs. public ownership in a hub and spoke system of airports: a game theoretic approach, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Typa Dimitra, Analysis of pedestrians distracted behaviour talking on mobile phone, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Exams schedule