Diploma Theses Exams, March 2019
The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on March 15th, 18th and 21st 2019 at Railways Amphitheater.
The students which defended their theses are as follows:
G. Yannis).
Vasili Valentina Marina, Impact of economic, social and transport indicators on road safety during the crisis period in Europe , (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Davos Georgios, Computer Vision Models for Identifying Traffic Conditions from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Drosou Vaia, Detecting and Analyzing the Duration of Cruising for Parking Space in Urban Road Networks Using Smartphone Date, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Katsarou Charikleia, Investigation of the Effect of Dynamic Loading on the Design of Flexible Pavements, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Kokkinakis Aristotelis, Identification of critical driving parameters affecting speeding using data from smartphones, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Koliou Paraskevi, Comparative assessment of factors influencing travel mode choice in three European countries, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Koureli Aikaterini, Comparative Assessment of the acceptance of «Smart» Applications in Searching for Parking in European Cities, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Liza Ourania, Passing sight distance and vehicle’s dynamic characteristics, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Mitakis Ioannis, Investigation regarding stopping sight distance visibility regarding successive counterbalanced curves, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Michelaraki Evanthia, Correlation of driver behaviour and fuel consumption using data from smartphones, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Batala Alkistis – Eirini, Factors Affecting Travel Happiness in Urban Transportation Networks, (Supervisor: Ε. Vlahogianni).
Mpontozis Dimitrios, Economic and Technical Assessment of Road Safety Improvements at Intersections, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Panagiotopoulou Mikaela, Self-assessment and Road Behavior, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Panoutsopoulos Angelos, Modeling fare evasion in the athens metro system, (Supervisor: K. Kepaptsoglou).
Parmaksizoglou Ilias Alexandros, Spatial analysis of driver safety behaviour using data from smartphones, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Pasias Panagiotis, Investigation of traffic safety on ramps of interchanges, (Supervisor: S. Mavromatis).
Pediaditi Emmanouela, Analysis of aircraft ground movements and parking in airports, (Supervisor: Α. Loizos).
Petraki Virginia, Combined Impact of Road and Traffic Characteristics on Driver Behavior using Data from Smartphones, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Stefatou Angeliki, Greek drivers’ attitudes towards aggressive driving, (Supervisor: G. Yannis).
Christodoulou Vasiliki, Investigation of indexes for the assessment of flexible pavement’s structural condition, (Supervisor: C. Plati).
Exams program