Eleni Vlahogianni
Traffic Engineering Laboratory

off: room 106, 2nd floor, Materials Building, NTUA Campus
tel: (+30) 210.772.1369

email: elenivl@central.ntua.gr
website: www.vlahogianni.gr/
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Eleni I. Vlahogianni is Professor at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The main thematic areas in which she is active include traffic analysis and forecasting, automatic and connected traffic, intelligent transport systems, traffic management and control and the application of advanced technologies and intelligent approaches to mobility and transport infrastructure management. Her published work focuses on the development and application of computational intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, applied statistics and nonlinear dynamics in traffic flow and transport. She has more than 20 years of professional and research experience as an engineer, academic and advisor in 50 research projects and 25 consultancies, in a national and European level focusing on urban mobility and traffic flow management, public transport and traffic safety. Moreover, she is an author of more than 280 articles ( 110 articles in international peer reviewed journals, with wide international recognition. She serves as Associate Editor in 7 International peer reviewed journals. She serves as a Member of the International Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications of the Transportation Research Board. She was elected Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE ITS Society (2019-2021). She is a Member of the Sectoral Scientific Council on Engineering of the National Council of Science Technology and Innovation. She is an elected Member of the Board of Directors of the NTUA Faculty Members Association and the Panhellenic Federation of Teaching & Research Staff Associations. She is an Independent Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-President of STASY S.A.