Konstantinos Gkyrtis defended his Phd thesis on asphalt pavements mechanical performance, December 2021

Konstantinos Gkyrtis has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled: “Investigation of asphalt pavements mechanical performance”, on Wednesday December 15th 2021 at 15.00, via a teleconference.

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Diploma Thesis Exams, October 2021

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering for the examination period of  2021  took place with grate success on  Wednesday November 3rd 2021,  Thursday November 4th 2021 and  Monday November 8th 2021,  via a teleconference using the application Cisco Webex (https://www.webex.com/).

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Prize Awards “Dimitrios Tsamboulas”, for the years 2020&2021

Students from the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA participated in the above competitions and received the following awards:

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Aristeidis-Vasileios Kanakis student of the School of Civil Engineering awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, October 2021

Aristeidis-Vasileios Kanakis student of the School of Civil Engineering NTUA, has been awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, for the highest average grade at the mandatory courses “Roads Geometric Design” (5th semester), “Roads Construction” (6th semester) and at the mandatory of cycle course “Design of Road and Airfield Pavements” (7th semester), during the academic year 2020-2021.

Maria Pomoni defended her Phd thesis on Model development for the optimization of network operation in the aftermath of a catastrophic event, July 2021

Maria Pomoni has successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled: “Investigation of asphalt pavements surface friction in the framework of sustainable road infrastructures”, on Wednesday July 28th 2021 at 12.00, via a teleconference: https://centralntua.webex.com/centralntua/j.php?MTID=mbaad1bfa44ee0ca3e884f1e2b028e26a Read more

Diploma theses exams, July 2021

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering for the examination period of  2021  took place with grate success on  Wednesday July 14th 2021 and  Thursday July 15th 2021 via a teleconference using the application Cisco Webex (https://www.webex.com/). Read more

NTUA – Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, online, May 2021

NTUA within the framework of the Sixth UN Global Road Safety Week is organising a Scientific Workshop titled “Innovation in Road Safety Research” which will be held online on May 20th, 2021. The objective of this Workshop is to highlight through an intensive flow of presentations the main findings and challenges of key road safety research projects carried out within the NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering and to open up the discussion in a round table with high-level experts on key innovations in road safety research in Greece, in Europe and worldwide. NTUA supports actively the UN Global Road Safety Week pledge for speed limits of 30km/h in urban areas Read more

Online event “Postgraduate Studies in Transportation Engineering” on Monday, April 2021

The ΗΙΤΕ organizes on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 18.00 an online event entitled “Postgraduate Studies in Transportation Engineering” aiming to inform students and graduates about the prospects of postgraduate training in postgraduate programs in Greece and abroad. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tkagHLOTSLePjwjeirLiaw

8th International Physical Internet Conference – IPIC2021 14-16 June 2021

The  Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is pleased to co-organize this year with the European Technology Platform ETP-Alice the 8th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC2021) on new developments and technological developments freight transport as they are shaped by the concept of Physical Internet which is expected to play a key role in the development of these industries. IPIC2021 will take place online on 14, 15 & 16 June 2021. http://www.pi.events

Pioneer Alliance – PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge, online, April 2021

The Pioneer Alliance together with the NTUA Department of Transportation Planning are organising the PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge, which will be held online on 15 April 2021, at 11.00 CET. https://forms.gle/1EpcEyFfhoRzxG5G7

Diploma Theses Exams, March 2021

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering for the examination period of February 2021  took place with grate success on Friday March 12th 2021 from 12.30 to 16.30, on Wednesday March 17th from 15:00 to 17:30 2021 and on March 18th 2021 from 13.00 to 15.00 via a teleconference using the application Cisco Webex (https://www.webex.com/).

The students which defended their theses are as follows:

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Blue Lab teleconference – February 9th 2021

On January 19, an informative teleconference was held between an executive of the Blue Lab and members of our Department. Blue Lab (https://www.bluelab.gr/about) is a center that cultivates the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship welcoming young people who wish to develop technological and business skills.

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F. Fotos student of the School of Civil Engineering awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, December 2020

Fotios Fotos student of the School of Civil Engineering NTUA, has been awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, for the highest average grade at the mandatory courses Roads Geometric Design (5th semester), Roads Construction (6th semester) and at the mandatory of cycle course Design of Road and Airfield Pavements (7th semester), during the academic year 2019-2020.

Maria Konstantinidou defended her Phd thesis on the optimization of network operation after a catastrofic event, December 2020

Maria Konstantinidou has successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled: “Model development for the optimization of network operation in the aftermath of a catastrophic event”, on Wednesday December 2nd 2020 at 9.30, via a teleconference: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a1607707187e640cd9ba0ef34f20a36a7%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=2b70824c-b33e-481e-8ba4-b0bf8a1910f5&tenantId=075e0cb3-752a-4320-b3676d08b7918c40

This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Professor Emeritus A. Stathopoulos. Read more

Diploma Theses Exams, October 2020

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with grate success from October 30th to November 6th 2020 via a teleconference using the application Cisco Webex (https://www.webex.com/).

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Diploma Theses Exams, July 2020

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with grate success from July 16th to July 21st 2020 via a teleconference. Read more

Apostolos Ziakopoulos defended his Phd thesis on spatial analysis of harsh event frequencies, on July 20th 2020

Apostolos Ziakopoulos has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled: “High resolution spatio-temporal analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour”, on Monday July 20th 2020 via a teleconference (https://centralntua.webex.com/centralntua/j.php?MTID=m57b7271d3b11cc79727d3e39d536ae1e).

This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Professor G. Yannis.

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Bradley Watson Cliatt defended his PhD Thesis on flexible pavement design, April 2020

Bradley Watson Cliatt has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled: “Characterization of unbound materials for flexible pavement design”, on Wednesday April 15th 2020 via a teleconference.

This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Professor A. Loizos.




Diploma Theses Exams, March 2020

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with grate success on March 11th and 12th 2020 at Railways Amphitheatre.

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Professor Ioannis Golias is the new President of the Athens Urban Transport Organization, March 2020

Ioannis Golias, Professor of the Department and former Rector of NTUA is the new President, Non-Executive Member, of the Board of Directors of the Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA).