NTUA/UOA – Cognition, Behaviour and Driving Inter-disciplinary Conference, Athens June 2015
A targeted Interdisciplinary Conference on Cognition, Behaviour and Driving took place with great success on June 26th, 2015 in Athens, co-organised by the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Social Medicine, and the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA).
At this Conference, the results of the following two interdisciplinary research projects were presented:
DRIVERBRAIN – Performance of drivers with cerebral diseases at unexpected incidents, within the framework of the ARISTEIA research programme,
DISTRACT – Causes and impacts of driver distraction: a driving simulator study, within the framework of the THALES research programme,
both granted through open and highly competitive procedures by the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs.
Conference web site: